Building 2 exterior is complete!

Our cargo container arrived with all the materials, and we got the building up with the help of 14 hard working men from the village, some great local women to cook food for the workers, lots of villagers to cheer us on, and one very special volunteer from the U.S.; Roger Gillam.  Another cargo container has almost made it to port, (it is just leaving Spain on the last leg of the journey) and this will provide medical supplies for the local hospitals, and bring us the donated toilets, sinks, ceiling fans, lighting and other finishes for the interior of the building.

New Challenges in Ghana

Putting a building up in our remote location is a major accomplishment during these difficult times. Ghana is having extreme challenges with local inflation and shortages of all sorts of things, among them being fuel shortages.  To give some perspective, in our area in Ghana, a decent paying job makes about $4.00 a day, but fuel is about $3.65 a gallon, when it is available. We have had to make special provisions so our volunteers can be assured of enough fuel to make the 11 hour trip back to the airport. These issues make obtaining just about everything in our remote location a major challenge. Although our U.S. dollars go further in the depressed Ghana economy, when things are not available, they simply are not available.

September Affair, our annual fundraiser dinner, Sept. 13, 2014!

It's that time of year! Come join us for dinner, a wine auction, and Ghanaian art auction to help us raise money for clinics in Ghana. This annual event means a lot to The Yonkofa Project volunteers, as it gives us an opportunity to share our progress, and to raise money for more progress. The artists in Ghana have been working all year to provide the artwork, and we have had some great wines donated. Please remember to purchase your tickets.  You can buy tickets here: 


One of our favorite construction supervisors!

One of our favorite construction supervisors!

This beautiful mother brings oranges for the workers at our construction site, and we are always happy to see her!

This beautiful mother brings oranges for the workers at our construction site, and we are always happy to see her!

Divine, an artist in Ghana, is posed with a wooden chest, before he carved it for The Yonkofa Project. To the left, is a picture of the completed chest, which will be available at our event, Sept. 13, 2014.

Divine, an artist in Ghana, is posed with a wooden chest, before he carved it for The Yonkofa Project. To the left, is a picture of the completed chest, which will be available at our event, Sept. 13, 2014.