It all started when…
In November 2022 we donated an incubator, monitor, and four bassinets to Half Assini Hospital, in Ghana. We knew that not-so-very-premature babies were dying in Ghana because of lack of fundamental equipment, and decided to try to make a difference at one of our favorite hospitals, one with a medical director very committed to maternal and infant health. The very first tiny patient to use the incubator was only 25 weeks and 5 days gestation (1.5 pounds)… and survived. We were amazed and delighted! Please help us to expand the NICU and make this lifesaving technology available to more babies in the Jomoro region.
Our initial donation in November 2022 of four bassinets and an incubator.
This is one of the donated bassinets in use, and also the I.V. Pump from the Amazon Baby Registry
The incubator needs an external monitor fo the baby. We purchased this one in Ghana from the same company and the NICU staff has been very pleased.
FIrefly Phototherapy Unit for babies wtih Jaundice
We would like to continue purchasing the same incubator model, since we know it is reliable, and know that the company is reputable and provides excellent customer service.